Submission Instructions


Join us for the 13th annual meeting of ICP!


The Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology will be held in-person at the University of Ottawa!


Presentation Formats: 

Poster presentation - Posters are the preferred format for contributions that are strongly data-based, and therefore particularly suited for graphic or visual presentation.

Individual oral presentation - Oral presentations are the preferred format to discuss theoretical points and share your enthusiasm regarding your research project.

Symposium Bring your lab or collaborators together for a series of three to four presentations totaling 40-60 minutes under a common theme (including 8 minutes of Q+A with your audience). All presentations will be accessible online for three months after the meeting.  


Abstract Instructions: 

Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words and must clearly indicate the background, objectives, methodology and results of the research project. Please note that your abstract must contain results. Expected results will not be accepted, but preliminary data can be sufficient.


To submit an abstract, please click on the “Submit” tab.


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